Wallace Montgomery has been awarded the I-95 at Temple Avenue Interchanage Improvements Design-Build contract (as a sub to the American Infrastructure/Rinker Design Team).
The existing signalized intersection of Temple Avenue with the I-95 ramps, at the I-95/ Temple Ave interchange in Colonial Heights , is inadequate in terms of capacity, geometrics, and safety. In order to address these shortcomings, this project will realign those portions of the off-ramp and on-ramp alignments which are adjacent to the terminus with Temple Avenue. The preliminary design relocates the ramp termini to the west of the current location and removes and replaces the signalized intersection at the interchange with a roundabout. This configuration necessitates that the Temple Avenue Bridges be removed to allow for construction of the roundabout.
The proposed roundabout includes two lanes of circulation and a continuous bypass lane on the west bound approach. Both the northbound and southbound I-95 off-ramps are extended and improved to provide motorists greater distance and improved curvature for transition from the high-speed interstate mainline to the roundabout. The northbound I-95 off-ramp is improved to provide for a free-flow movement and eliminate the existing yield controlled condition.
To accommodate the design year 2037 traffic projections, which show additional capacity is needed, the central island is designed to accommodate construction of a third inner lane to the westbound approach without expanding the roundabout’s footprint. Future expansion would include an additional entry lane (two entry lanes into the roundabout and a single bypass lane) on the westbound approach and an additional departure lane on the eastbound approach.
VDOT’s current estimated contract value for this Project is approximately $12,000,000.